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Chakra Dharanam Part 2



Since ancient times, people have used chakra meditation, concentration [dharanam] and visualisation as a means to unlock their hidden potential.

Now with Chakra Dharanam, internationally renowned teacher Chris Barrington will lead you through a two-part practice that will help you transfigure not only yourself, but also your life.

Chakras direct the flow cosmic energy through the human body, significantly influencing every level of our being. It is through these elusive and mystical regions of consciousness that we shape the experience of our world. We can access and influence these vast universes of potential at specific places along the spine called kshetram points.

Charka Dharanam will teach you to master the art of dharanam (concentration) on these kshetram points, so that you can tune in to the current state of each chakra. You will then learn simple techniques to balance your chakras and return yourself to optimal function and harmony. This in turn will help you to shape a more successful life at all levels.

The Dru Chakra Dharanam CD’s guide you to explore your own chakras through movement, pranayama (breath awareness), kriyas; and the power of awareness, visualisation and breath, helping you bring balance to each chakra and therefore to your life.



Additional Information

Part two presents tools for working with the 4 higher chakras: The breath of light, awakening inner expansion, opening to true vision, connecting to the infinite.
Track 1: Introduction
Track 2: Body awareness and movement
Track 3: Breath awareness and expansion
Track 4: The breath of the earth
Track 5: Anahata Dharanam ii - the breath of light
Track 6: Vishuddhi Dharanam - awakening inner expansion
Track 7: Ajna Dharanam - opening to true vision
Track 8: Sahasrara Dharanam - connecting to the infinite

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